

Studies covering possibilities of the FDX DOCSIS technology are available but focus on network architectures and needs of North American cable operators [1, 2]. While networks and needs of European cable operators are in many ways similar to their American peers, 存在一些重要的差异. We have used the past six months to research what technical challenges are focal and whether the FDX DOCSIS technology makes commercial sense in Europe. 尽管十大可靠彩票平台的研究还在继续, we can already now stimulate curious minds and discuss pivotal challenges from a European perspective.

Very few subscribers demand symmetrical services, unless we incorporate business broadband services. 事实上, studies indicate that compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of downstream data rates has constantly exceeded CAGR of upstream data rates [2, 3]. 然而, forecasted discontinuity in the upstream bandwidth needs and steps towards more symmetrical services are often reasoned through new cloud-based applications requiring a video upload capability [2, 4]. A pragmatic interpretation based on existing information would be that required downstream speeds are growing faster than required upstream speeds, 特别是由于高度不对称的OTT服务. 有时对称可能被误认为是低延迟. Although latency requirements become tight due to virtual reality, 游戏, 服务也一样, 这些服务仍然可以是不对称的.

Pressure to build symmetrical cable television networks and offer Full Duplex DOCSIS is often caused by FTTH marketing initiatives which highlight importance of symmetry. Instead of discussing what kind of cable types are important [5], the discussion should focus on available services that benefit individuals and society apace. 在行业活动中, I have often heard that w在这里as FDX DOCSIS might be less important in Europe, the situation is different in the North America as their strand mounting outdoor approach ease implementation of FDX DOCSIS. 这个论点有价值吗? easiness of implementation doesn’t mean that symmetry is needed. 北美的服务有什么不同吗? 不是真正的, even in North America the upstream bandwidth is mainly consumed by peer-to-peer file sharing and by OTT applications requiring TCP acknowledgment messages [3]. 然而, business case in North America may pay dividends if infrastructure investments are lower than in Europe.

While the need to move towards more symmetrical services is still a big question mark, 很明显, 上下游带宽都在持续增长. 新一代DOCSIS提高了比特/赫兹比, but it alone won’t solve CAGR challenges of up and downstream. 相应的, 欧洲有线电视运营商已经进行了大规模的网络升级, and networks are ready for high split (204 MHz return path) and 1.2ghz(前向路径)使用. Although networks are ready, very few operators are using their full potential; even FM radio frequencies (usually 87.5 MHz … 108 MHz)  are not yet used to reach higher upstream data capacity, except by two operators that the author is currently aware of. Perhaps the higher upstream capacity is simply not needed or FM radio is seen to be an important service; it might be both. Although use of the full duplex technology together with traditional FM radio is in theory a possibility, a more straightforward alternative to increase upstream bandwidth would be the shutdown of FM radio totally. Already this act would triple the available upstream bandwidth. But what happens once tripling is not enough; would the next step be the full duplex technology? 很可能不是在欧洲, unless dramatic upstream capacity requirements appear suddenly and FTTH operators gain superior competitiveness due to services needing such capacity. 更有可能的是, capacity increase due to use of 204 MHz return path and due to shift to distributed access will be enough for years to come. A logical step after this shift would be a leap towards ultra-high split networks (400 MHz or even 500 MHz) along with extended 1.8 GHz下行.

尽管如此, 十大可靠彩票平台不能忽视全双工技术的可能性而不是在北美或欧洲. 十大可靠彩票平台的研究还在继续, as networks have continental and even national characteristic, 它们有不同的信号电平, 距离和被动基础设施. To 帮助十大可靠彩票平台的客户成功推出FDX DOCSIS, 十大可靠彩票平台必须建立模型并理解网络的局限性, study how interference groups are formed in various scenarios, and offer useful tools for operators who have chosen the FDX path.

我希望继续讨论这个话题? 第2部分可用 在这里.

[1]张志强.T.、刘涛.金海. (2017). FDX DOCSIS的IG发现. 思科. 从检索 (2018年12月生效)

[2]王志强,王志强., T。.Howe J. (2017). DAA时代的网络迁移策略,DOCSIS®3.还有一个新成员,全双工DOCSIS. 棱. 从检索 (2018年12月生效)

[3]张志强,张志强. (2018). 哪些应用程序正在推动更高的访问容量? 康卡斯特公司. 从检索 (2018年12月生效)

[4]思科. (2018). 思科 Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2016–2021. 从检索 (2018年12月生效)

[5]欧洲光纤网络委员会. (2018). The FTTH Council Europe warns against misleading fibre advertising 从检索 (2018年12月生效)

Arttu Purmonen

Arttu Purmonen

I joined 电话este in 1997 and engineered video processing and data transmission products. 我做过工程师, 项目经理, product manager and business director but understanding customer perspective has always motivated me. It brought me to be responsible for system and technical marketing w在这里 my internal driving force and former experience can party together. 看到 我的人际关系网.

Arttu Purmonen - 电话este

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